Tuesday, September 9, 2008

اقتراحات للتعلم

عالم البرمجة حافل بالجديد والقديم-الجديد (أي القديم الذي يعود ليصبح موضة)، من لغات البرمجة التي صادفتها في الفترة الأخيرة
1- Python
وموقعها الرسمي هو
2- Lua
وموقعها الرسمي هو
واقتراحي أن يقوم بعضكم بدراسة هاتين اللغتين ثم يعدون محاضرة (أو أكثر) عنهما موضحين مزاياهما وعيوبهما .

1 comment:

Muhammad El-Halaby said...

I have tried Python myself, Python is an interpreted OOP language (high level language),It is also cross-platform, which means it can run on different systems. The latest version is 2.5.2 which can be downloaded from the Python website, here is the link

Being an interpreted language, Python is a little different from the C-like languages we've learned. Some people say that Python is 30 times slower than C/C++ (in code execution), but what makes it easier in usage is it's built-in libraries, it's OOP capabilities and it's very descriptive syntax. Many well-known applications and tools are written in Python like BitTorrent, Blender (an open-source 3D computer graphics software), some tools used by Google, check this link

Learning Python is very easy, you don't need any text books, the documentation that comes with Python has been very helpful to me, specially the illustrated examples.

To print something on the screen:
print "Hello"
To define a function:
def F()

Python is Turing complete, which means that you can do anything with it, there is a proof that it actually is, check this link

don't believe anyone who says it isn't Turing complete.